THE PLANETSは東京発、全曲英詩のパワーポップバンド。パワーポップの影響を受けつつも、本来のルーツであるJ-POPやアニソン、ゲーム音楽等の要素も取り入れ、洋楽と邦楽の中間を行くような、双方に馴染みやすいキャッチーなロックが特徴。

2012年8月に自主レーベルBRAINMOSH RECORDS設立、1st mini album "HELLO WORLD"をリリース。音楽のディレクションからパッケージ、宣材のデザインまですべて自分たちでプロデュースするのが信条。


THE PLANETS is a Tokyo based power pop/emo band. All the songs written
& sang in English, influenced by US power pop/emo music such as the
get up kids, jimmy eat world and motion city soundtrack. While these
genres bring power and rock to their music, their original roots such
as J-POP, anime and game music make their melodies more dramatic and
catchy. Since the vocalist 3mp(pronounced sampei:Roy Sampei) spent his
youth in the US, UK, and other foreign countries, his fluent English
makes the band stand out in the Japanese indie scene. Formed in feb
2011 with current members, they play 2~3 live shows a month, mainly in
the Tokyo area.

In Aug 2012, the band decides to put up their own label BRAINMOSH
RECORDS, and records their first mini album, “HELLO WORLD”.
