ペパーミント風味のチキンカレー - ゆっくり火を通したチキンと最後に香るミントが特徴の、eetee食堂の定番カレー

chicken curry rice with pepper mint flavor – This is eetee’s classic curry rice, slowly cooked chicken and a smell of the mint in the end.

豚バラのグリーンソース - 豚バラを柔らかく煮たものにハーブを使ったソースをかけたもの

Pork Rib with green sauce – Slowly cooked pork rib with some herbs sauce.

(R) エビと菜花のわさびナンプラーあえ - 菜花とエビをわさびナンプラーのソースであえたもの  (L) 山菜つぶつぶスパイス炒め - 山菜とスパイスの原型シードを炒めたもの。触感を楽しんでください。

(R)Shrimp and broccolini with wasabi and fish sauce – Shrimp and Broccolini mixed with Wasabi and fish sauce. (L) Sautéed sansai with spices – Sansai / japanese mountain vegetable and seed spice sautéed together. You can enjoy the texture of Sansai.

ガーリックポテト - おいもをふかして蒸したもの。おつまみとしてビールがすすむ

Garlic potato – Sautéed and steamed potato. It goes well with beer.

三色人参ピクルス - 3種類の色のきれいな人参と大根を合わせて漬け込んだもの

Pickled 3 colored carrots – Pickled 3 kinds nice color carrots and daikon.

Q : 今回のメニュー選び

Q : 荷物の運搬について

Q : オススメのお店

Q : 音楽について

Q : Why did you choose this menu for this event?
I make sure to present our classic peppermint chicken curry rice and garlic potato for our first event.
In addition to this, we try to add a seasonable dish.
For seasonable dish, my friend who dose organic farming send me a list of the best seasonable vegetables and I choose some of them considering the balance of the nutrition and the sense of the color.

Q : How do you carry all the cooking wear?

Except for a huge event, we use train.
We carry a cart we put a big plastic case, a tupperware and a rice cooker on and tape them together.
This is the biggest size to make it through a train entrance.

Q : Your favorite restaurant

"Orchestra" in Nishi Ogikubo.
Orchestra is an indian restaurant in my home town
The owner of the restaurant is the same age as me and in the same industry, so I always stay late talking about our life, business and music.

Q : About music

I usually listen any kinds of music which makes me happy.
My recent favorite(recommendation) is a jazz funk from 60-70th in Thailand.