1: アサリと菜の花のレモンラッサム – Lemon rassam of clam and rapeseed blossom 2: 春キャベツのサンバル – Sanbaru of Spring cabbage 3: ウドとセリのモーリョソース – Udo and cicely’s Moryo sauce 4: ライタ – Raita 5: 骨付きチキンのビリヤニ – Biriyani of chunks of chicken on bone 6: 羊のスペアリブカレー – Lamb’s spareribs curry 7: 黄美人参のラペ – Carotte rapees 8: パパド - Pappad

Q : 毎回どのようにメニューを選んでいるか?
Q : お袋の味
Q : おすすめのスパイスや調味料は?
Q : 好きな料理は?
"カツカレー" (オオサワ)
Q : 運搬方法
Q : やってみたい料理
"手食いカレー" (オオサワ)
Q : オススメのお店
Q : How do you choose menu every time?
Decide the menu depends on the theme for events or people who come to the events. We consider menu's name very well. Like something we cannot imagine easily but interesting. Sometimes it's from jokes.
We think about the concept and contents of event first to decide menu.
We've just started catering so number of menu is not many, therefore, we challenge new menu every time to increase our menus.
Q : the taste of your mom's cooking?
"horse meat's pot"
We ate pot meal which had chopped cheap horse meat, koya-tofu, cabbage and
garland chrysanthemum of miso taste every time when my father came back home from long work in ship. I was tired to eat that when I was a kid but I think that was the moment of our family. I remember that situation only about my family time. I ate that with rice because the taste was quite salty which comes from Tohoku area.
Q : What is your rcommended spice?
It is used in Middle East and Turkey very often. Taste and smell are like 'Yukari' and sour spice.
Again this taste is really 'Yukari'.
Hot spice in Nepal.
Q : What's your favorite meal and food?
"Katsu curry"
like it the most. I like korrokke curry soba. (Oosawa)
"Stemed clam by Sake" (Kondo)
"Chiken and Egg"(Yonaiguchi)
Q : The way of currying
asically we carry by a collapsible case or IKEA's bag.
Put decolation into a bag pack.
So many stuffs more than you can imagine every time.
Try to use train but use taxi depends on amounts of stuffs.
Q : What kind of meal do you want to try?
" Curry eating by hands" "Nukazuke" "Tasty dough of fresh pasta or pizza"
Q : Any recommended restaurant
"SUNA NO MISAKI" in Sakuragichou
The curry restaurant 's taste is balanced exactly but the spice is strong,too.
Understand the way of cooking is courteous manner as soon as we eat. We cannot feel such sensation in other restaurants. I as Negura, want to follow such way.
"ZAPP" in Ikebukuro
Old soul bar in Ikebukuro. The music, of course, and the foods are really nice so we wan to stay for a long time.
" SUSHI DAIZEN" in Yurakuchou
ts chub mackerel is really nice and we can enjoy comparing fresh fishes from the day of Tsukiji. And the restaurant is small so there is not space for drinks, therefore, we can bring drinks by own that style is also nice.